Optimising Mining Safety at Your Site & Workshop

In mining, employees often work in remote environments, interact with dangerous chemicals, or operate complex machinery. As a result, those in the mining industry face a higher level of occupational risk than most other sectors.

Mining companies are responsible for providing comprehensive mining safety training relevant to each role to minimise risk.

However, this isn’t where the responsibility ends. One of the essential components of mining safety is having high-quality, trusted safety equipment supplies.

Sourcing Mining Workforce Safety Products

Supplying your workplace and mine sites with high-quality mining safety equipment is critical to the safety of your team and the success of your business.

So, where do you begin when sourcing mining safety supplies?

The first step is to identify a reliable and experienced mining safety equipment supplier. Your supplier should have the following qualities:

  • Experience in your area of mining or working with similar businesses
  • Strong relationships with dealers in the industry
  • Knowledgeable sales and customer consultant teams ready to guide you throughout your project
  • Thorough understanding of safety regulations and standards in your area
  • Capability to source custom-made items if required

Building a solid relationship with your mining safety equipment suppliers can be a game-changer for efficiency. If you work with suppliers, such as Accumax Global, that can anticipate your needs and are willing to go the extra mile, this takes a lot of strain off your team.

What safety equipment supplies do I need for my workshop?

Some of the most critical processes in the mining industry take place in workshops around the world. Safety equipment supplies need to protect both your workers and the assets in your workshop.

The kind of safety equipment supplies you require will depend on the type of work undertaken, the space you are using, and the number of employees.

However, some common workshop safety equipment supplies include:

What safety equipment supplies do I need when working with chemicals?

Some roles in mining and similar industries, such as manufacturing, require you to work with dangerous chemicals or liquids that need to be contained.

If your workplace works with anything of this nature, you need to secure:

  • Spill Kits & Spill Control – used to control, contain and clean up when a dangerous chemical is spilt. It’s essential to use only the spill kit and no other cleaning products. Accumax offers a variety of spill kits and spill kit signage.
  • Bunding – sits under drums or other containers to catch any leakage. Available in polyurethane and metal in different sizes at Accumax.
  • Drip Trays – available in a variety of sizes.

Optimise Your Mining Safety with Accumax

Mining safety starts with Accumax. We help your business minimise risk and ensure you take every precaution to protect your team. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions regarding your mining safety needs.

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