Does Your Workplace need a Custom Sign?

Workplace safety is a top priority for any company, no matter the industry. Whether you work in a mine, construction site, or on the road, the need for safety measures is always present. One of the most effective ways to improve safety in the workplace is through the use of custom signs. In this blog, we’ll explore the different kinds of workplace signs and why they save lives.

Why Custom Signs are Essential in the Workplace

Custom signs are essential in the workplace because they provide a clear message that can be easily understood by all employees. They serve as reminders of potential hazards and can help prevent accidents before they occur. Custom signs also ensure that all employees are aware of the safety protocols and procedures that are in place. They can be used to indicate the location of emergency exits, first aid stations, and other important areas.

Different Kinds of Workplace Signs

There are several different kinds of workplace signs, and each serves a unique purpose. Some of the most common types of workplace signs include:

  • Hazard Signs: Hazard signs are used to warn employees of potential dangers in the workplace. These signs are typically yellow with black lettering and symbols, and they may include warnings about sharp objects, electrical hazards, or toxic substances.
  • Prohibition Signs: Prohibition signs are used to indicate actions that are prohibited in a specific area. These signs may include warnings about smoking, eating or drinking, or using mobile phones.
  • Warning Signs: Warning signs are used to alert employees to potential hazards that may not be immediately apparent. These signs may include warnings about wet floors, falling objects, or low ceilings.
  • Emergency Signs: Emergency signs are used to indicate the location of emergency equipment or emergency exits. These signs may include directions to fire extinguishers, first aid kits, or emergency showers.
  • Danger signs: Danger signs are designed to alert employees and visitors to potential dangers that could result in injury or even death. Danger signs are particularly important in industries such as construction, manufacturing, and transportation, where workers are exposed to high-risk situations regularly. They should be used to indicate a wide range of hazards, such as electrical hazards, chemical spills, falling objects, and other safety risks.

Why Custom Signs Save Lives in the Workplace

Custom signs are an essential tool in improving workplace safety. They provide clear and concise information that can be easily understood by all employees, regardless of their language or literacy level. Custom signs also serve as a visual reminder of the safety protocols and procedures that are in place, helping to reduce the risk of accidents.

In the mining industry, custom signs are used to indicate the location of mine shafts, underground hazards, and emergency equipment. These signs are often brightly coloured and highly visible, making them easy to spot even in low-light conditions.

In the construction industry, custom signs are used to indicate potential hazards such as falling objects, heavy machinery, and electrical hazards. They are also used to mark the location of safety equipment such as hard hats, safety glasses, and high-visibility vests.

On the road, custom signs are used to provide clear and concise information to drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. They can indicate speed limits, road closures, and detours, helping to reduce the risk of accidents and traffic congestion.

Are you unsure if your workplace needs a custom sign?

The answer depends on several factors, such as if your business deals in rare or obscure chemicals, has unique safety policies and procedures, or uses highly specific manufacturing techniques and policies. If you struggle to find premade dangerous goods signs and labels that account for all of this, then custom signage may be the answer you need.

While there are many hazards that are common between workplaces, many others deal with rarer substances or deal with risks that other workplaces don’t have to worry about. For example, very few businesses outside of the air conditioning industry will ever have to worry about freon and the risks that come with handling and storing that particular substance. Therefore, it’s impossible to find a premade freon sign. However, custom safety signs offer a solution to this problem.

At Accumax Global, we provide a range of custom safety signs to meet the unique needs of your workplace. Our custom signs can help improve workplace safety by providing clear and concise information that can be easily understood by all employees, regardless of their language or literacy level. With custom signs, you can ensure that all employees are aware of the safety protocols and procedures that are in place, helping to reduce the risk of accidents. So, if your workplace deals with unique hazards and risks, consider investing in custom signs to help keep your employees safe.

Talk to our friendly team of experts today at 1300 222 862 or visit us for more information.

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